corpse party, a horror and mystery anime series follows the story of high school students transported to another dimenszion where they fight supernatural beigns. However, the Chinese government banned the anime due to its horrific content.
Attack on Titan is a popular anime revolving around eren jaeger and his quest to eradicate the titans. Howver, thechinese administration deemed it unsuitable for public consumption due to extremely violent and graphic content.
Parasyte is a psychological horror and supernatural anime abouyt parsasitic aliens. Chine banned parasite due to its vicious killings and highly detailed and horrifying scenes.
In the anime, children create death notes mentioning names of people they don’t like. Afraid of this the chines government banned death note despite it being a global phenomenon.
Deadman wonderland is ganta Igarashi’s story of revenge and survival. The Chinese government banned the animer serie due to its dusturbibng and gruesome contgent.
China banned the anime seires psycho-pass saying it glorifies violence and encourages juvenile delinquency and rebellion.
my Hero academia has a character named maruta shiga, a scientist who experiments on humans. The names sparked ontroversy as maruta menas chines and Korean victims of human experimentation during world was II the chines
The chines ministry of cuolture banned the dystopian anime high school of the dead because of its overly sexual content,. Describing it as “ borderline pornographic,”
The demon king creaed the ten commandments, but he was more powerful than all of them., His the Ruler power permits him to invert any attack directed his way. Moreover, he can conjure powerful weapons and creatures with his dark